Development Destroyer #2: You’ve Got to GYRO

Let’s start with some good news, it’s easier than you might think
Let’s face it, you are only eligible to take the Engineer in Training Exam so many times in any single testing period…this is the one that can keep you stuck in the same place for years, or decades.
If you want to make progress in your career, you’ve got to Get Your Roll On (GYRO)
You know it already…
You know what to do…
You continually want to get started, but it doesn’t happen.
You’ve got the dream, you’ve got the aspirations, but you don’t put the time in…there’s no Action.
Well, let’s first establish resolution on the myth about why it’s so hard sometimes to GYRO.
You are not lazy
Laziness doesn’t keep you from GYRO’ing.
First of all, I think genuinely lazy people are in the minority. More likely is the case that something is obstructing your energy.
“Lazy” is just a word we throw around to avoid looking at what’s holding us back from taking action. Throw this mindset out, and tweak your outlook to more useful explanations.
As long as you keep telling yourself, “I’m lazy,” you’ll keep getting exactly what you have today. Failing to GYRO doesn’t come from some kind of personality defect. It comes from specific obstructions to your natural energetic state, let’s take a look:
Energy obstruction #1: You don’t see the possibilities
This is most likely the most common reason people don’t start their journey of becoming a registered Professional Engineer — and when they do, it’s the reason they fail to see it through.
It’s human nature to fear what is unknown. It’s human nature to shy away from activities that we don’t see anyone else doing.
And if you don’t know any successful Engineers, succeeding in becoming registered is a completely uncharted territory.
If you don’t really believe it’s ever going to happen, then why would you GYRO in the first place? It makes more sense to kick back and flip the channel changer or waste some time on the MacBook Pro.
If you never associate with Engineers, you don’t know their mindset, how they managed to be successful in their careers, or what kinds of actions they take every day. You have nothing to model your own behavior on. In engineering, we are all about modeling, what are you basing your model on?
So what should you do? Find mentors that have taken on this journey and represent the type of Engineer you want to be. Spend as much time with these mentors as you can.
If you want to increase your probability of success and energy to drive towards your goals, associate with people who have those things now.
Success can be Contagious. Get out and put yourself somewhere you can be infected.
Energy obstruction #2: You don’t have structures in place
Pull any successful person aside and you will see that they practice little habits that make GYRO’ing possible.
Some follow formal systems, while others may have their own little ways of getting things done.
So what should you do? Create a simple plan of attack that makes it easy to develop good habits.
Essentially there are two elements to any successful plan of attack.
First, figure out what you need to do next and focus strictly on this. Don’t put “Study Math” as a to do on your daily study schedule; put “Study the Law of Cosines” or “Study Measures of Central Tendency” or “Study Linear Differential Equations.”
Be specific and make it incrementally manageable.
This is why I organized a specific path of study, Next Actions, for you in the EIT Academy Courses. Rather than throw a big, overwhelming subject at you, I broke it in to manageable portions of content, next actions for you to take.
- String these actions together and you find yourself retaining more knowledge in the subject overall.
- String together these Next Actions in the various subjects and you find yourself successfully prepared for the Engineer in Training Exam.
When you’re planning the content for your Next Step, it needs to be no longer than the amount of time you can work uninterrupted. Which leads us to the second key element:
Second, set aside dedicated and uninterrupted time to focus on your studies.
Once you’ve identified your Next Action, you need to set aside time in your day to make a resilient effort in completing it.
You may start small with just thirty minutes a day. Consistency, focus, and effectiveness are much more important than the raw number of hours you spend hitting the books. Use a timer, and turn off all distractions (and don’t think the boob tube, social media, or your iPhone don’t count).
Gradually work your way up to longer study periods, but keep them to no longer than an hour, then give yourself a break to fully release the built up tension, and reset the mind for another go.
We all know that “free time” doesn’t exist.
I’ve stressed this before, this is an ongoing battle of life, you need to fight for it. Maybe that means waking up a half hour early in the morning, or staying up a half hour later at night, or (this one is often the best) ditch the couch and TV time for a little session in the books.
Energy obstruction #3: You haven’t set up any accountability
There aren’t many out there that can GYRO all by themselves.
Most of us, including myself, need to tap in to the power of accountability to make things happen. You see when we put ourselves out there, we subconsciously feel that other people have expectations…this feeling can be an instigator in taking action if we capture it just right.
It might not be at the top of your list to use your friends and family for accountability if they aren’t engineers themselves. You may think that they really won’t understand the unique challenges that come with preparing for such an exam, and maybe they will likely say, “Maybe you should stick to the ‘ol fortress that is your cubicle…”
If you feel this is the case, then take a step towards finding accountability partners. Get out there and find some other engineers who are going after this exam at the same time. Meet regularly, in person, over Skype, email, wherever, or whatever…make commitments to getting your Next Actions completed.
So what should you do? Seek out others that have similar goals and outlooks as you. Meet regularly to review how your preparations are going, and to hold each other accountable.
Every week, commit to a specific Next Action — then let your accountability partners know about that commitment. It doesn’t matter how big or how small the steps are. (They should usually be rather small, at least at first, remember, quick wins) What is important is that you are leveraging the powerful natural occurrence of accountability. When others are looking to you for results, you step up, you stay the course, you execute.
Don’t try to prepare for the Engineer in Training Exam by yourself. It’s possible, but it makes it a heck of a lot easier if you just allow some natural synergies to formulate and help push you forward. Focus now on putting in to place an accountability structure that will reinforce your efforts in developing productive habits.
Energy obstruction #4: You stop at the first sign of struggle
We lack mentors, not often by choice, but that’s life. Because of this, we buy in to a fallacy that progress towards a certain goal is linear; that’s just what we see…an event (success) but not the process (the struggles and effort it took to get there).
No one who has found success has found it traveling a linear path, no one, zero, zilch.
Anything as challenging as becoming a registered engineer has hiccups, dead ends, and false starts.
So plan for that. Don’t think that because your current state does not line up with your initial plan of attack, that you are off track in reaching your goal. Be consistent and stay focused on your goal, but be willing to allow flexibility in the ways that you are able to get there.
So what should you do? Have a plan for what happens when your original plan of attack doesn’t pan out the way you thought. Do you have someone you can ask for advice? Do you have a group of supporters for the times when you’re feeling discouraged?
One of the reasons I put together this website was to fill this void that I saw in the industry when I was preparing. I had a Plan A, which was quickly routed with potholes, I needed guidance, I needed direction, who would I turn to? Well, it surely wasn’t anything, or anyone, who was on the internet…I don’t want you to ever feel stuck and unable to figure out how to get out of rut when you eventually encounter them.
When I was developing the EIT Academy Courses and CBT Practice Exam I held this pain of feeling alone close to my heart. I wanted to develop courses that would guide the student systematically and in detail through the all so important topics without leaving out pertinent information.
Energy obstruction #5: You’re scared
The underlying relationship between the previous four obstructions is Fear.
Maybe not shaking in your shoes fear, but failing is scary. Putting yourself out there in route towards a big goal has a lot of uncomfortable moments.
When there’s fear it’s extremely difficult to GYRO.
So what should you do? Take to heart what I outlined above and put them to work in your life.
The more structure you have, the more positive momentum you can build, and the less fear will be able to hold you down.
Everyone feels fear. But the fear of becoming a registered professional engineer isn’t anywhere near as crushing as the fear of letting someone else control your career.
Start small, develop positive habits, and collaborate with action takers.
You’ll be amazed at how small, consistent progress can start to develop into great things.
You don’t have to start at it alone
I developed the EIT Academy Courses and CBT Practice Exam to help:
- With full understanding of each subject area by breaking the concepts down in a detailed step by step fashion.
- With retention of knowledge by delivering the flow of content systematically in text and video format and following it up with in-depth practice problems and solutions.
- And with 24/7 access for taking advantage of your time to study at any time of the day or night, and at a speed that is controlled by you.
I’ve taken great effort to make sure all the details are included in these courses, the only thing I’m missing in it is you.
I’ve had a great outpouring of aspiring engineers, some well in to their journey, others just starting, jump right in to the EIT Academy Courses and Practice Exam during this Buy 2 Get 2 Special Bundle offering. If the resources I’ve outlined here would help you GYRO and accomplish your goal of becoming a registered professional Engineer, I’d love to help you out.
I look forward to seeing what you accomplish when you GYRO and make miracles happen.
GYRO and get started with the EIT Academy Bundle Today!
Take Care!
Remember, the current subscribers only offer for the EIT Academy Bundle with the 3 Courses and the FULL EIT Practice Exam closes on Friday, February 7th at 5:00 PM Eastern (U.S.) Time. If you miss the deadline, the exclusive offer will be closed.
Remember, if it doesn’t fulfill your expectations, there’s a full 30-day Money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose, and everything to win.
Good Luck, let’s Get Started with the EIT Academy Courses and CBT Practice Exam NOW.