FE Exam success is a mission possible for every single engineer…the only problem is, *most people* don’t believe.
Instead, after graduation, they transition from a life of all out pursuit to one of mediocrity.
That’s just reality of it all…here is what this truth looks like:
Most people with an Engineering degree will head to a job only to sit behind a cubicle for years until they retire, drawing lifeless line after line, realizing that they feel guilty for not unleashing the potential that is within, yet they will do nothing about it.
Most people with an Engineering degree will settle in to a role of doing exactly what they are told to do, plagued by a fear of taking charge of their own careers. Ingenious ideas will succumb to meaningless tasks and other people’s agendas in hopes that one day some amazing turn of events will arise to bolster their career to undefined levels. This may or may not happen, yet they romance a dance with mediocrity until it does.
Most people with an Engineering degree want more from their career– more challenging projects, more ideas implemented, more control, more satisfaction, and overall more enjoyment- but they will never achieve what they want because the will simply accept the false notion that the knowledge to become a successful Engineer in unattainable.
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Are you like *most people*?
I know I was
I remember back to when I began my journey of becoming a Registered Professional Engineer.
Had the desire to succeed…ya.
But I was definitely overwhelmed with the massive undertaking of studying for the FE Exam.
Looking for solid guidance in preparing for the exam, I turned to the internet, only to find…
Not much.
I failed to find any source of real value dedicated to preparing the student for the exam.
With no time to spare, I marched forward in my pursuit creating my own path to FE Exam success.
Prepineer is concoction stemming from my experience, the journey.
So here I am with a simple Mission towards FE Exam success…
- Help you succeed in preparing for and dominating the Engineer in Training exam the first time.
I will do this by simply…
- Providing an organized, open resource dedicated to pure content of value related to the Engineer in Training Exam
- Engaging with engineers through all phases of the process, answering questions as they arise
- Uncovering the best FE Exam resources for passing the FE exam and bringing them to your attention
- Becoming the number one FE preparation resource with our study program Prepineer
This website is NOT…
- An official FE/EIT, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), or individual State Board agency website or an affiliate thereof.Again, EngineerInTrainingExam.com or Prepineer are not approved or endorsed by NCEES or the individual State Board agencies.
- Put on the internet sole to make money. Although you will see our program, Prepineer, and other resources noted here, their purpose is to help you prepare for FE Exam success the first time, not for scamming or stealing your money.
Thank you for dropping by and relying on EngineerInTrainingExam.com as your all in one FE exam preparation resource.
If anything, know that this mission is possible, for you…today.
Get started on your journey to FE Exam success with out FREE 12-PART FE EXAM ACADEMY COURSE.
Good Luck!

Justin Dickmeyer, PE
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