Are you in the midst of searching the inter-webs for the best FE Exam Resources?
Are you wondering where to even start studying for the Engineer In Training exam?
I get it, I was once in your same exact shoes.
We are pounded with information that is anything but helpful in getting us moving toward the finish line.
So let’s do that, get you moving…after all, who wants to take the FE Exam more than they have to?
The FE Exam resources noted below are where I suggest you begin looking.
This is not an exhaustive list, but it’s one we believe have nuggets of worth.
These FE Exam resources have expanded and will continue to expand as we uncover the best resources out there.
FE Exam Resources Worth Considering
The following resources are some suggested starting points as you get moving on your journey of passing the FE Exam.
The 12-part Academy Course
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Comprehensive Online Study Programs
Prepineer – Over the last decade we have been in the trenches with our students, pushing and often pulling them forward to success on the FE Exam.
Through the process we’ve uncovered why students struggle to pass this exam.
With this knowledge, we developed Prepineer, a comprehensive online FE Exam study program.
Combining effective coaching, detail rich material, and a collaborative community we are changing the way successful students are studying for the FE Exam.
FE Exam Sample Exams
Sample exams are one of the most valuable FE Exam resources you can find.
Here, and within our Study Program Prepineer, we believe in the concept of *Sets and reps*.
The more we are able to review and work through structured problems presented in all different formats the better we will be prepared.
Like an MMA fighter, or a soccer player, preparing for a single approach will only expose to the moment.
You may luck out and have prepared just right, but likely not…and that can’t be an option going in to the FE Exam.
As much as the FE Exam is a test of your fundamental knowledge, it is as much a mental effort which we must be prepared for.
The timing factor is something people tend to overlook, you have 110 total problems on the FE Exam and 320 minutes to complete them…
That breaks down to a little under 3 minutes per problem.
*Sets and reps* is where it’s at…and practice exams are the tool we recommend.
- CBT Practice Exam (CURRENTLY BEING REVISED) – Throughout my studies, I found that many of the resources I was spending my money on were falling short in some keys areas.
You have experienced, or are currently experiencing this…I get it.
Recognizing this, I decided to fill a portion of this void by developing a Practice Exam targeting expansion of these weak points.
- Michael Lindeburg’s FE/EIT Sample Examinations – PPI always puts together solid study materials that you can trust.
FE Exam Review Manual
If you decide that an FE Exam review course like Prepineer isn’t a fit for you, then a high quality FE/EIT review manual is a must.
Unfortunately, many have fallen victim to trusting that the publisher is providing the most up to date information that is relevant to the most current FE Exam specifications when in fact it is not.
Not something you would think we would need to consider, but it is, so make sure that the version that you purchase has been updated in the last few years.
Here are a few good starting points:
Knowing from the beginning what information you will be provided during the Engineer in Training exam is a must.
Using it in during your exam prep is even more important.
Through *sets and reps* you will learn where to quickly reference certain information without wasting valuable time on the exam.
Remember, you have under 3 minutes to solve each problem, no need to waste that time twiddling thumbs.
You can purchase or download the most recent NCEES Reference Handbook directly through NCEES here:
In an effort to protect the integrity of the EIT FE Exam, NCEES limits the types of calculators you can use on the exam.
I have seen people slip on this detail…don’t let it be you.
Below is list for the most current models of calculators that you can use:
Calculator Hacks
Tech is limited on this exam, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be powerful if used just right.
In Prepineer, we train our students to hack massive amounts of time off their exam, decreasing stress and increasing performance.
Here is a little snippet of what a Prepineer Calculator Hack looks like and what it can do for you:
Staying up on the best FE Exam Resources…
I’m the first to admit that opinions on the FE Exam resources noted here, or anywhere really, can vary.
Students coming in to Prepineer come from experiences with these resources and understand that they can be limited.
The goal here is not perfection, but to get you moving…that’s the most important element in passing the FE Exam.
If we don’t move, their is only one guarantee, we will never get there.
So keep moving.
We are always keeping up on the latest FE Exam strategies with one goal in mind, helping you succeed.
Check out our FE Exam FAQ page to get up on all the most common uncertainties in moving towards this exam.