I want to congratulate you for getting to this point in the study guide. I have no doubt that you have what it takes to pass the Engineer in Training exam.
In closing, I want to get a little bit more personal with you. I am not a genius, or even naturally smart for that matter. I graduated high school and college with a decent GPA, but certainly not at the top, with all the cum laude blue robe wearing “smart people”. However, despite this, I sit in a position in my Engineering career where I am controlling exactly where I want to be. I have come far in a short period, and have dominated many endeavors I have set out to conquer; at the same time I have failed just as many. However, I couldn’t have endured the journey of becoming a Registered Professional Engineer without realizing one super powerful trait that we all have, Passion.
Do not ever underestimate the power of your Passion. Through Passion, a number of other powers emerge. Confidence, self-discipline, motivation, inspiration, determination, perseverance…to name a few. When applied to your personal life, it is the one thing that can turn us ordinary folk in to powerful society changing individuals. Every invention, every innovation, every idea at some point did not exist. Throughout time, ordinary people have worked hard, trying a lot of stuff, failing often, but always learning, and never giving up. Passion has driven the greatest innovators of our day, why not become an innovator of your life. Take control now, when you do, nothing can stand in your way of success.
This is your life, your time, dream big, do big things, let’s dominate this Engineer in Training exam NOW!
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them below in the comments section, or contact me directly. I will do my best to address each and every one that I get. By design, this site is an open forum format, so I urge you to jump around, leaving comments, as people that visit in the future might have the same question and will benefit from you asking yours now. So please, become active, your insight is invaluable.
Lastly, I am here for you. I want to see you succeed and realize your dreams of becoming a Registered Professional Engineer and the many benefits that come with it. I would like to provide you with additional valuable guidance and tips through the duration of your journey. Take a moment to sign up for my FREE newsletter either in the sidebar or Here. I aim to provide value with ever contact I make, so expect to receive dedicated material designed to help you dominate the Engineer in Training Exam the first time.
For now, Good Luck, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Justin Dickmeyer, PE