The 22% That Will Make a 100% Difference

The Most Overlooked Fundamental Makes the Most Devastating Difference On Exam Day – Mathematics.
The foundation of everything engineering starts and stops with one set of Fundamentals – Math. Take control of your destiny with the EIT Academy MATH course with 9+ hours of video and nearly 300 Practice Problems for one incredibly low price. Get Started NOW before this deal is gone.
Enhance YOUR retention using a comprehensive multimedia review approach with 9+ hours of video that can be watched anywhere, anytime, at your speed! That’s Control of YOUR Schedule!
Guarantee YOUR understanding with over 300 problems with step-by-step solutions reinforcing all the critical concepts of Mathematics! That’s Control of YOUR Preparation!
Increase YOUR chances of passing the exam by mastering the foundational concepts of everything engineering – Mathematics. That’s Control of YOUR Future!

What’s holding you back? CLICK “GET STARTED NOW” above!
So you WANT to be an Engineer?

The Fundamental Focus is….

Take the PAINS out of Studying…

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Frequently Asked Questions
How does the money-back guarantee work?
If you are not 100% amped, if you are the slightest bit under-whelmed, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the EIT Academy course, just email me within 30 days to get a complete refund right away! That is enough time to get through the whole course, if I do not provide value to you as you prepare for the exam, then that’s quality I do not want representing, period!
What is the EIT Academy all about?
Instead of throwing you a book and leaving it up to you to look at it in as many different ways as you can to ensure that you are completely understanding the concepts, the EIT Academy products:
- Systematically walk you through each focus, whether it is through detailed solutions or an engaging video review, the products in the EIT Academy were built to get you through your studies without the unnecessary stress that comes from asking “What the heck did I just read?”
- Reveal effective means to retention through detailed conceptual breakdown and visual effects.
- Help you uncover your knowledge points of weakness so that you are better equipped to address and reinforce prior to sitting for the exam.
- Guide you through the different topic areas in detail without leaving a crucial steps that often lead to utter confusion.
Add to that an unmatched personable brand, superb quality, and a price that makes it easier than ever to cut down on the costs of preparing for the Engineer In training Exam.
What languages is the EIT Academy written in?
Currently, the EIT Academy is written in the English language only. We are working toward translating the products to other languages in the future.
What if I want to check out the EIT Academy first?
Not a problem, you can check out the preview at any time, no matter where you are, just CLICK HERE. On top of that, I want to make sure you are confident in your purchase, so the 30 day Money Back guarantee was put in place to give you the confidence you need to make the overall purchase process more smooth.
Can I use the EIT Academy on multiple platforms and/or Computers?
Yes, the EIT Academy products are delivered in PDF format, iPad, Nook, Kindle, desktop, or laptop, no problem. The goal is mobility, if you can access a PDF file, then it will open on your platform of choice.
Does the EIT Academy require any special software?
All that is needed to work with the EIT Academy products is adobe reader, you can download it FREE, Click Here.
I have been ‘hosed’ by other products out there, and I am broke, how is the EIT Academy any different?
I understand, I was ‘hosed’ more than once, and in more than one way. I am not going to sit here and tell you that you ‘need’ to purchase the EIT Academy or else, instead, I provide an industry leading 30 day money back guarantee that puts the onus on me to produce, if I can’t, then no loss for you.
Why is Math the first course provides?
Whenever we start on a journey, regardless of what it is, we need to establish a quick win to help build our morale and give us a sense of achievement and renewed momentum towards our ultimate goal.
But where can we find that quick win when it comes to preparing for the Engineer in Training Exam?
I can suggest one area to consider.
Take a quick look at the specifications of the exam, specifically the breakdown of each topic and its proportion within the exam; which topics initially stand out the most.
Here are the first 5 subject areas of the AM exam as well as the proportion for each:
- Mathematics – 15%
- Engineering Probability and Statistics – 7%
- Chemistry – 9%
- Computers – 7%
- Ethics and Business Practices – 7%
And so on…
Well, right off the bat, we are looking at 45% of the AM exam, 22% of which is straight up Math.
How many of the other subjects involve Math? Let’s take a look…The final 55% of the AM exam are the topics of Engineering Economics, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Materials Properties, Fluid Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, and Thermodynamics.
How many do you feel have elements of Math…I would suggest that 100% have some sort of Math included.
But real quick, let’s take a look at the 9 subject areas from the “other” PM session of the Engineer In Training Exam, they are:
Mechanical Design and Analysis; Kinematics, Dynamics, and Vibrations; Materials and Processing; Measurements, Instrumentation, and Controls; Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion Processes; Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery; Heat Transfer; and Refrigeration and HVAC.
Is Math something that is prevalent in any of these subject areas?
I think we have established where our quick win lies, and this would be more than a Quick Win, it would be, proportionally speaking, a “Huge Win”.
The EIT Academy was developed to be the “Huge Win” for you in your preparations.
What subjects are covered in the EIT Academy Math course?
The EIT Academy Math course was designed to be completely turnkey – designed to take you from A to Z so that you are ready to dominate anything Math related when it comes to taking the exam. The topics covered are:
- Analytical Geometry
- Algebra
- Probability and Statistics
- Differential Calculus
- Differential Equations
Oh my, I love you, thank you so much, how can I pay you back for all your help!
Well, this isn’t much of a question…but I love you too. I created this site to help YOU, that’s fulfilling to me. Enjoy the experience and if you want, I don’t expect anything in return, but you can “Share” as a donation, that’s plenty for me!
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Where can I go for additional support?
The EIT Academy was developed to my standards. If you haven’t experienced an product, then that might not mean anything to you. I want to create a product that I can pick up, study, and understand from the beginning to the end without too many moments of uncertainty. However, no product is perfect, and there could always be more questions needed. I have been available from day 1 on this website, and will continue to be so if you ever need support.
HELP! I still have questions!
No worries. Contact me here or email me directly, I’m always happy to help.